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Citas rapidas Irvine – 182179

This article analyses, on the one hand, the historiographic construction of the royalists, understood generally as opponents to Hispanic-American independence movements and, in particular, Novohispanic movements. On the other, in line with the study of political languages, it goes over the uses given to the term royalist in the Spanish monarchical circle, with special emphasis on the years of the political crisis, and in the context of the conflict brought about by the independence movement in New Spain. Lastly, this research reviews the development of the Novohispanic militia phenomenon in times of the insurgent war, to highlight the implications displayed by the different units, based on their names. It publishes exclusively original research materials on the history of Mexico and its relations with the rest of Latin America and the Hispanic world. Its issues provide an outlook of the evolution of historiography in Mexico. They also incorporate the most recent methodological advances on topics concerning society, economy and culture, as well as political institutions and ideas, education, science and religion. Publisher Information El Colegio de México is an autonomous public institution devoted to research and higher education in the social sciences and the humanities.

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